Movie Review

Posted: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 by random_name in

Hey fellas,

I was sitting the other day trying to think about more innovative ways to waste my time. Movie watching obviously topped the list. So i thought, why not use this bad habit of mine to some good. So well ladies and gentleman, i now present to you a brand new blog dedicated to writing movie reviews. I wish you all go and visit it and post some comments and i really hope this new found hobby of mine might actually help someone in making good movie decisions. Opinions, suggestions and requests will always be accepted and looked into.

Enjoy !


Posted: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 by random_name in

Row Row Row your boat,
Gently down the stream
Throw your teacher overboard,
And listen to her scream !

Yankee Doodle went to town,
Riding on a pony,
He went to get a haircut there,
And looked like MS Dhoni

Humpty-Dumpty fucked on a wall
Humpty-Dumpty fucked all day long
All the kings whores,
And all the kings women
Couldnt get Humpty to fuck them again