Will remember Nottingham for...

Posted: Friday, September 16, 2011 by random_name in

...being the first and last time I have lived away from parents for a considerably long amount of time

...poker nights!

...cheap alcohol

...even cheaper clubbing

...xbox nights


...casino winnings

...false link-ups

...Scotland trip

...Christmas dinner

...White Horse Cafe

...The 20,000km road trip!

...Failed Europe plans

...crazy sleep schedule

...lectures only once a week

...bunking those lectures

...experimental cooking

...the fulfillment when experimental cooking turns out to be fabulous

...daytime drinking at Blue Bell Inn


...The regret that I should have done more of it

...Rosh's 30 hours of non-stop birthday celebration drinking



...Nikki's birthday treasure hunt

...Beer pong party

...Last-minute assignments

...Flat1, Room E, Byron Place, Wragby Road, Raleigh Park, Nottingham, NG7 2AZ

...15 bottles of Single Malt Scotch

...Crazy Max and his even crazier presentation style

...Last but not the least, all my friends in Notts that helped me, supported me, were there for me in good times and bad and without them life would have been a big big drag. This one is for you guys! Cheers Nikki, Other Nikki, Anshul, Rosh, Meeru, Rahul, Vandit, Varun, Matt, Andy, Guillaume and the rest of the gang!