A Birthday, A Rape, and Lot's of Booze

Posted: Thursday, August 20, 2009 by random_name in

It's rare that i get to stay out at night, and whenever i do, i have a tendency to build up some expectations. This one wasn't any different, and i had my own set of expectations etched in my mind. Like always, things were drastically different from what i had imagined it to be. Nonetheless it was a good night with a lot craziness. From playing 'I Spy' at 11 at night, playing pictionary half-drunk, and going for pointless drives at 3 am, it was a night to remember. Maybe if we didn't have a set of unwanted visitors who decided to spend half the night with us... I would've been sloshed outta mind. Thank god that didn't happen !! :D

I found the following clip on my cellphone just yesterday so i thought i might as well share it. Titled 'Gaurav rapes Pratik', don't worry it ain't gay porn. Its just a usual fist fight which starts off with Pratik getting pissed at Gaurav and trying to get even, and Pratik being the one apologising in the end. Why does he even try...?

WARNING: The following video contains explicit and objectionable content, but yet your horrible little brain will still nag you to see it, so go right ahead and watch it and dont tell me I didnt warn you!